Hey Book worms Today is Tuesday and that’s means it’s time for TTT but this week is different because I am doing a TOP 5 TUESDAY hosted by Shannah @Bionic Bookworm Blog. I have been following her blog for quite some time and I totally love her BOOKISH content on the blog . So you should definitely hop off to her blog .

|Books with beginnings A , B, C, D, E|

A: Attachments – Rainbow Rowell

This is one of the books that has you giggling over the emails between two people who have never met but are pen pals. The writing is superb and romance so great .

B: By your side-Kasie West

This was one of my summer reads of 2019 and with my favorite tropes of books such as hate to love , bad guy and good girl romance and loads of drama as well .

C: Carry On – Rainbow Rowell

One of the epic books with epic two characters , Simon and Baz . They are so cute and adorable. Just perfect boyfriend Material !! I can’t wait to read the sequel this fall .

D: Devils wears Prada

Not exactly my favorite reads but the book shows the world behind the dazzling glamorous life.

E: Everything Everything- Nicola Yoon

One of the epic books of YA contemporary reads and I just loved the book so much and the romance was so sweet as well . 💞I loved the movie more .