Hey guys I am finally doing this award . I rarely do awards but lovely Norin. She has a amazing blog and a great friend . I love her blog and you will also for sure . Check out her Amazing blog here . I would also like to share that my blog has reached 700 FOLLOWERS and I am in seventh heaven. Thank you sooooo much for showering love on my blog . 🙂


Let’s begin with the AWARD

°Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
°Answer the questions sent to you.
°Nominate around ten bloggers.
°Create your set of questions for your nominees.
°List the rules and display the Brotherhood Of The World logo in your post.
Okay, now let’s take a look at the questions 🙂

1.Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smartphone or something).

I am a student in school and sometimes blogging takes a back seat with school. So I always use my phone to write blogs . I sit on my couch and just type about books.
2.How do you manage your blogging time including blog reading time?

I actually read books in FreeTime at school. Fir instance , between two classes and I blog at home . Whenever I get free time .
3.Who is your most read author?

Hmmmm… it’s Rainbow Rowell . I love her books and I have read all of them . My favorite being :


4.How did you come up with your blog name?

Huh!! I keep up with my blogging name through Books Books and Books .
5.What keeps you blogging?

All of 700 FOLLOWERS keep me blogging . There are times that I am running out of blog post but all of  you guys are my constant motivation always . Also I am blogging about books which I love :)..

My Questions (I love Norin’s questions , so I am using them .)

Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smartphone or something).
How do you manage f blogging time including blog reading time?
Who is your most read author?
How did you come up with your blog name?
What keeps you blogging?

I nominate :Kathy





That’s all I have to say …. Thanks again for 700 FOLLOWERS on WordPress . I am elated ……unnamed.gif
