Hey guys  It has been so long since I did a post . College has just started and well adjusting to a new environment takes a lot of time and brings new experiences along with it . I am doing majors in Business, in India it’s called BBA . Well , college did bring a shift in my blogging pattern . But I promise to be regular more now .

Blogging traffic is one the most essential part of blogging . It helps to get e – ARC’s , which is the most important possession for us readers . Blogging for more than 2 years has brought a lot of depth and understanding in me . I would hence like to discuss the blogging traffic .

As a blogger of 2 and a half years , I can surely say that few steps are important in achieving the same . Let’s begin with the DrumRollll!!!

  • Set up a Blogging Schedule: It is very important for Bloggers to have a proper Blogging Schedule as we have to create a balance between the other world and this world. It is not a one day affair but a constant motivation and evolution to blog daily or thrice a week. This helps to make a connect with the readers of your post .
  • Blog about what you’re Passionate: As I have already stated one should definitely Blog about his/her passionate things as it is not easy in long run. I personally blog about books as I love them soon damn much and I can’t fathom my life without them. Blogging is just a one day affair .
  • Make Friends on Blogosphere:  It’s very important for a Blogger to leave his distinct identity on other bloggers as it helps in friendship. I am happy to state that Book Blogging Community is one of the most warmest and friendliest group. We can fan-girl about books and that just makes my day .
  • Social Media Helps: Believe it or not ,Social Media is a boon in this case. Instagram and Twitter play a very important role in the initial stages and its importance cannot be denied. It also helps in spreading information about your blog. Plus , it brings a better connectivity and spreads the word. Also it is a superb way to connect with authors and Publishers .
  • Blog Often and Often :Seriously this is very important as one has to constantly blog authentic and personal content for long run in blogging . One should definitely have a variety of Blog posts on the blog , to interest the reader’s taste . Also variety of content makes it easier to experiment and bring authentic content .

So this is a mini discussion post. Do you agree or do you have more advises/tips ? Let’s discuss in the comments section ..